Prayers & Concerns

Let Us Pray

We welcome your prayers and concerns.

Prayer is how we prepare to follow Christ. If we do not begin with prayer, we have a tendency to think that what we are doing depends solely on us.  This can lead to frustration or we end up doing things to make ourselves feel good.  Neither of these bring us closer to God.

Prayer centers us back to the vision Christ gave us, in Revelation 21: 1 – 17, of participating in the creation of a new reality where mourning, pain, crying, and death will be no more.  It continues to remind us of our vision statement: “We make Christ’s love visible by serving others in faith, hope and love.”

To submit a prayer request or concern, please email our Ministry Team:

Reverend Dr. Benhardt Fraumann

Reverend Carl Phipps

May God Bless You & May You Be A Blessing for God!


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